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Child Care Center Group Supervisor – Lead Teacher

Child Care Center Group Supervisor – Lead Teacher

Germantown Academy



Germantown Academy is an independent, coeducational, 大学预备走读学校坐落在费城附近的华盛顿堡郊区一个126英亩的美丽校园里, Pennsylvania. 这所学校有1200多名PK-12年级的学生. Founded in 1759, GA是美国最古老的非宗派走读学校,拥有丰富的传统,并致力于不断创新课程和教学实践.

日耳曼学院致力于公平和包容的工作,并相信在就业的各个方面机会平等支持学校的使命和我们的战略目标的成功实现. Candidates must exhibit an appreciation of, a sensitivity to, and a respect for a diverse academic environment, inclusive of students, faculty, and staff of varying socioeconomic, cultural, ideological and ethnic backgrounds.

Position Purpose: Reporting to the Director of Child Care, 班主任负责规划和监督小组的日常活动,确保每个孩子的安全, comfortable, and engaged. 寻找合格的,有经验的候选人 Group Supervisor – Lead Teacher. 这个职位提供良好的福利和极具竞争力的薪水.

Key Responsibilities

  • Establish and maintain a safe, healthy, 为所有孩子提供一个良好的学习环境
  • 使用当前的PA学习标准制定和促进每周课程计划
  • 与你的助理老师合作,并作为他们的导师
  • 与家庭建立并保持积极和富有成效的关系, 让家长/监护人了解孩子的成长和发展
  • 对孩子的发展和成长提供反馈, 通过完成个人进度报告和正式的家长会  
  • Work cooperatively with others as a member of a team
  • Maintain a positive attitude and strong work ethic

Other Responsibilities:

  • 协助总监完成指定的活动



  1.  获得幼儿教育专业认可的学院或大学的学士学位, special education, elementary education or the human services field; or
  2. 获得认可的学院或大学的学士学位, 包括30个学时的幼儿教育, child development, special education, elementary education or the human services field and one year of experience with children; or
  3. 在幼儿教育方面获得认可的学院或大学的副学士学位, child development, special education, elementary education or the human services field and two years of experience with children; or
  4. 获得认可的学院或大学的副学士学位,包括30个幼儿教育学分, child development, special education, elementary education or the human services field and three years of experience with children; or
  5. A CDA certificate and two years experience with children; or
  6. 至少两年在儿童保育机构担任小组主管的经验

此外,小组主管必须热情并喜欢与幼儿一起工作.  他或她必须愿意在个人护理和卫生的各个方面帮助孩子, proper nutrition and interactions with other children.  为了孩子们的健康和安全,与儿童护理团队的其他成员合作是必要的.